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C1.2 – Organisation of pi-conjugated molecules in linear chains


Principle Investigator: Prof. Moritz Sokolowski

In TIDE’s first cohort studies we have studied the self-organisation and epitaxial growth of different merocyanines on metallic and non-metallic surfaces, with a focus on the formation of chiral aggregates and the impact of the peripheral side groups on the structures [1,2]. We characterized the bonding to the surface in detail under structural and electronic aspects in close collaboration with the projects C3.1 and E2.1. Important experimental techniques were low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and scanning tunneling microscopy.

Within TIDE’s second cohort, we now aim to order the molecules in one-dimensional linear chains. To this end, we plan growth studies on regularly stepped surfaces, where the step edges act as a template for the chain growth. We expect that molecular chains exhibit interesting optical properties, which we also plan to investigate.



[1]  A.J. Kny, M. Reimer, N. Al-Shamery, R. Tomar, T. Bredow, S. Olthof, D. Hertel, K. Meerholz, and M. Sokolowski, Nanoscale 15 (2023) 10319-10329.

[2] A.J. Kny, M. Sokolowski, P. Kury, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94 (2023) 064707.

[3] N. Humberg, R. Bretel, A. Eslam, E. Le Moal, and M. Sokolowski, J. Phys. Chem. C 124 (2020) 24861-24873.


The ideal candidate has experimental experience in physical chemistry or physics. Expertise in surface science, vacuum technique, and/or optical spectroscopy is welcome.